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Embrace Transformation: Nurturing Change with the Wisdom of Nature


Unveiling Insights, Inspiring Growth, and Cultivating Resilience in Every Season

Embrace change and transformation through nature

I gave myself permission to slowdown and spend time tending to the garden over the weekend. Some areas needed a good weed, some fruits were ready to be harvested, a big space needed to be cleared for the soil to rest & renew.

Nature knows these cycles intuitively, understanding there are times of expansion, times to harvest and times for rest in preparation for what is to come.

Often we try to force growth all year round, infusing our own expectations and impatience into the process; we do not always pay attention to the natural seasons of life or allow ourselves to be open to what we encounter along the way.

It is the journey that saturates the seeds we sow, with the lessons we need to learn, the emotions we need to feel and the shifts we need to make in order for us to grow.

Throughout the last few weeks, I have learnt I must be patient with the seeds I am sowing. To learn how to nurture them, water them with intention from my heart, and enjoy the process along the way with trust and perseverance.

"The path ahead is long, but look how far you've come"

As we near the end of the year, we naturally think ahead to the following. But what about this year? Could we give ourselves permission to reflect on what we have learnt?

What has been a challenge?

What has given us joy?

How are we feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually?

The answers to these questions are a guide for how we attend our gardens of life next year. Where are you in your season? Perhaps nature can provide some support. What seeds do you need to plant or is it a time to let the soil rest and renew?

I created a brief survey to understand what my clients are finding the most challenging & how I can best support; I would be grateful if you took a few minutes to share your thoughts.

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