“Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty” ~ Brene Brown
I enjoyed creating my first ‘master plan’ for Root Beginnings, I thought I had it all mapped out.
I set clear strategic goals, and smaller bite-size goals, just as I had been taught in my previous corporate roles and training. I would do X, leading to Y, enabling Z. Just like that, and off I went!
As I write this, I am smiling.
It's not that having a plan is unwise—far from it. Plans have been a cornerstone of my life for many years. I once viewed my plans as unbreakable rules, where missing a target date felt like a failure.
When we have operated in environments that only reward the ‘successes’ and ‘hitting targets,’ it can be a challenge to navigate new ways of celebrating our achievements.
We have been taught for many years to follow a pathway mapped out by society for generations; what we have not been taught is how to trust what we cannot see.
“Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty” ~ Brene Brown
I am learning to create a plan like a tapestry, formed and evolved by weaving into it the threads of our ever-evolving experiences and adventures. These are the unique range of colours that we miss out when we hold ourselves to the black and white of the goals we set.
Life happens; we learn, we grow and we evolve.
The magic of the untrodden path is that we never know what is around the corner; embracing the unknown and seeing it as an adventure. One we can learn and grow from.
It is within this explorative mindset that we discover our inspirations and empower our actions based on our authentic motivations; building the courage to adapt and evolve as we continue to venture out into the wilderness.
“All that is gold does not glitter;
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither;
Deep roots are not reached by the frost”
J.R.R. Tolkien
Rooted reflective questions:
How do you respond when things don't go according to plan, and what does that reveal about your relationship with control?
In what ways has an unexpected event or shift in plans led to personal growth or new opportunities in the past?
How can you create space for spontaneity and flow while still honouring your goals and intentions?